Current Status and Solutions Analysis of Mechanized Harvest Technology of PersimmonsTaking Beijing City as an Example
摘要: 北京市栽种柿子已有600余年的历史,其中房山磨盘柿作为北京市传统名优特果品,获得了中国地理标志品牌,但近几年产量呈现萎缩趋势,传统果树种植面临转型升级,采收难一直是制约其产业发展的“瓶颈”。对现有柿子采摘现状进行分析,介绍了几种典型采收辅助设备与机械的结构和工作原理,阐述了柿子采收工作存在的主要问题,提出了柿子机械化收获的对策建议,为发展柿子机械化采收提供依据和参考。Abstract: Persimmons have been planted in Beijing City for more than 600 years. Fangshan Mopan persimmons, as a traditional famous and high-quality special fruit in Beijing City, have won a Chinese geographical indication brand. However, in recent years, its output has been shrinking, and traditional fruit tree planting is facing transformation and upgrading. Difficulty in harvesting has always been "bottleneck" restricting its industrial development. Structure and working principle of several typical harvesting auxiliary equipment and machinery were introduced, main problems existing in persimmon harvesting were expounded, countermeasures and suggestions for mechanized harvesting of persimmons were put forward, and basis and reference for development of mechanized harvesting of persimmons was provided.