中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Design and Test of Bagasse Intelligent Hydraulic Baler

  • 摘要: 开发了一款蔗渣智能液压打包机(以下简称蔗渣打包机),采用结构紧凑、稳定性较好的一体化液压回路系统执行打包动作。设计了基于PLC的控制系统,以简化设备操作,实现所需的控制功能。系统能够远程控制蔗渣打包机的启动、打包、送料、计数和停止等动作,同时可以单独控制蔗渣打包机各个电气设备的启停。该系统还具备智能打包功能,可显著改善工作环境,提高工作效率,降低成本。1名操作员能够同时管理3~4台设备,同时远程控制功能还可以避免因工人操作设备而引发的安全事故。


    Abstract: An bagasse intelligent hydraulic baler(hereinafter referred to as bagasse baler)was developed, which used a compact and stable integrated hydraulic circuit system to perform packaging actions.A PLC-based control system was designed to simplify equipment operation and achieve required control functions.The bagasse baler can be remotely controlled by this system to start, pack, feed, count and stop.This control system can control various electrical equipment of bagasse baler.In addition, this system also has intelligent packaging functions, which could significantly improve working environment, increases work efficiency, and reduces costs.3~4 devices can be managed simultaneously by one operator.Remote control function can also avoid safety accidents caused by starting and stopping equipment.


