中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Present Situation and Development Trend of Production Mechanization of American Ginseng in China

  • 摘要: 西洋参是我国重要的中药材之一,目前其生产机械化技术比较落后,主要表现为生产效率低、作业质量差、农机农艺融合不足和智能化水平亟待提高等问题。介绍了西洋参种植模式与农艺,并针对西洋参生产过程中的土地整理、播种、收获3个环节介绍了相关装备及机械化现状,提出研究重点与发展趋势。我国西洋参生产机械应该走自主研发之路,同时加强基础性能研究、提高可靠性、降低损失率和提高生产效率。


    Abstract: American ginseng is one of important Chinese medicinal materials in China.At present, its production mechanization technology is relatively backward, which is mainly manifested in low production efficiency, poor operation quality, insufficient integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, and intelligence level needs to be improved.Planting pattern and agronomy of American ginseng were introduced.Relevant equipment and current situation of mechanization were introduced aiming at three links of land arrangement, sowing and harvesting in production process of American ginseng.Research focus and development trend were put forward.American ginseng production machinery should be developed independently in China, and at the same time, basic performance research should be strengthened to improve reliability, reduce losses and improve production efficiency.


