中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Test Method for Working Quality of Track Translation Fruit and Vegetable Picking Robot

  • 摘要: 基于轨道平移式果蔬采摘机器人作业原理,建立了果蔬柔性采摘机器人作业质量测试方法,确定了采摘效率、果实采摘尺寸范围、最大抓握输出力、抓取成功率及果实破损率等作业指标的测定方法。依据提出的方法对FHR-2型柔性果蔬采摘机器人进行了设施温室大果番茄采收试验,结果表明,采摘效率8个/min,果实采摘尺寸范围30~92 mm,最大抓握输出力22.5 N,抓取成功率72.9%,果实破损率0,能够满足大果番茄的采摘要求。建立的测试方法能够对番茄采摘机器人进行作业质量测试,机器人的图像识别系统参数需进一步优化,以提高作业质量。


    Abstract: Based on operation principle of track translation fruit and vegetable picking robot, operation quality test method of flexible fruit and vegetable picking robot was established.Determination methods of picking efficiency, fruit picking size range, maximum grasping output force, grasping success rate and fruit damage rate were determined.According to this method, FHR-2 type flexible fruit and vegetable harvesting robot was used to harvest large fruit tomatoes in greenhouse.Results showed that picking efficiency was 8 per minute, fruit picking size ranged from 30 to 92 mm, maximum gripping output force was 22.5 N, gripping success rate was 72.9%, and fruit damage rate was 0, which could meet picking requirements of large fruit tomatoes.This test method could be used to test working quality of tomato picking robot.Parameters of robot's image recognition system needed to be further optimized to improve working quality.


