中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Contrast Test on Determination Methods for Mixing Uniformity of Fully Mixed Ration Preparation Machine

  • 摘要: 分析全混合日粮制备机混合均匀度传统测定方法的优缺点,结合反刍动物饲养学对全混合日粮的要求,创新提出采用分级筛测定混合均匀度的方法,并在同等条件下用两种测定方法针对好、一般、差3个档次的全混合日粮制备机进行混合均匀度测试。结果表明,筛分法第2、3层筛上物的混合均匀度能较好地代表全混合日粮制备机的作业性能质量。该方法强化了全混合日粮制备机混合均匀度数据得出的合理性,帮助生产企业、使用人员很好地分辨机具的作业质量,为产品升级、用户购机提供参考。


    Abstract: Advantages and disadvantages of traditional determination method for mixing uniformity of fully mixed ration preparation machine were analyzed.Combined with requirements of ruminant feeding science on fully mixed diet, method of measuring mixing uniformity by using grading screen was proposed.Under the same conditions, two methods were used to test mixing uniformity of three grades of fully mixed ration preparation machine, such as good, average and poor. Results showed that mixing uniformity of the second and third layers of screening method could better represent operational performance and quality of fully mixed ration preparation machine.This method strengthened rationality of mixing uniformity data of fully mixed ration preparation machine, helped production enterprises and users to distinguish operation quality of fully mixed ration preparation machine, and provided reference for product upgrading and user purchase.


