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Intelligent Formula System of Oil Chicken Feed Based on Optimization Algorithm

  • 摘要: 针对油鸡养殖饲料配方软件复杂不实用的问题,设计与开发了基于最优化算法配比寻优的油鸡饲料智能配方系统,实现饲料和营养标准的管理,同时具备饲料配方比例寻优功能。使用JAVA语言编写操作软件,运用Python编写内置寻优算法。系统具备原料管理、营养标准管理、历史饲料配方管理等功能,选择寻优效果较好的修正单纯形算法应用于本系统。油鸡饲料智能配方系统运行稳定,可满足用户需求。修正单纯形法配比寻优所需的平均时间为0.0310 s,准确率为100%;遗传算法计算配比寻优2 000次所需的平均时间为3.0200 s,准确率为0%。本系统成功实现了油鸡养殖过程中饲料配方相关的需求,并验证修正单纯形法在油鸡饲料配比寻优中的有效性,提高了配方计算效率。系统操作简单,便于中小养殖户使用,使先进的养殖技术融入基层养殖农户中,推动整个油鸡产业的健康可持续发展。


    Abstract: Aiming at complex and impractical problem of feed formula software for oil chicken breeding, an intelligent feed formula system based on an optimization algorithm was designed to meet feed and nutrition management standard and has function of feed formula proportion optimization.Operating software was in JAVA, and the built-in optimization algorithm was in Python.The system had raw material management function, nutrition management function and historical feed formula management function.A modified simplex method was used to solve problem of feed preparation proportion.Intelligent formula system of oil chicken feed run stably and could meet need of users.Average time required for proportion optimization of modified simplex method was 0.031 s, and accuracy was 100%.Average time required for genetic algorithm to calculate proportion optimization 2 000 times was 3.020 s, and accuracy was 0%.The system successfully realized requirements related to feeding formula in process of oil chicken breeding, verified effectiveness of optimization method of oil chicken feed ratio, and improved formula calculation efficiency.The system was easy to operate and convenient for small and medium-sized farms, could integrate advanced breeding technology into grass-roots farmers and promote healthy and sustainable development of whole oil chicken industry.


