中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Development Status and Countermeasures of Scaled Biogas ProjectTaking Straw Biogas Project in Lanke Mountain of Xin'an County,Luoyang City as an Example

  • 摘要: 农作物秸秆与畜禽粪污的无害化处理与资源化利用对改善农村地区人居环境至关重要,而沼气工程是实现农作物秸秆与畜禽粪污资源化利用的重要途径。与此同时,沼气作为一种清洁绿色生物质能源,能够缓解我国化石能源短缺问题。以烂柯山农业种植专业合作社的规模化沼气工程为研究对象,通过文献综述和实地调研,从沼气工程的规模、原料来源、原料种类及数量、设备类型、沼气产量、沼肥产量及带动相关产业等方面系统研究烂柯山秸秆沼气工程的发展现状及存在的不足,进而明晰目前沼气工程存在的共性问题,包括沼气产量不稳定、单纯依靠沼气经济效益甚微、缺乏完整产业链,运行管理模式不够创新等。针对以上共性问题创新提出分段式沼气工程运行模式,前端负责沼气工程相关产品的生产及运行管理,后端负责沼气工程相关产品的销售,以期为沼气产业健康可持续发展及相关管理部门的决策提供理论依据。


    Abstract: Harmless treatment and resource utilization of crop straw and livestock manure is crucial to improving living environment in rural areas, and biogas project is an important way to realize resource utilization of crop straw and livestock and poultry manure.At the same time, as a clean and green biomass energy source, biogas could alleviate shortage of fossil energy in China.The large-scale biogas project of Lanke Mountain Agricultural Planting Professional Cooperative was research object.Through literature review and field research, development status and shortcomings of Lanke Mountain straw biogas project were systematically studied from aspects of scale of biogas project, source of raw material, type and quantity of raw material, equipment, biogas production, biogas fertilizer production and driving related industries.Based on this, common problems existing in biogas engineering at present were further clarified, mainly including unstable biogas production, little economic benefit relying on biogas, lack of complete industrial chain and innovative operation and management mode.In view of above common problems, segmented biogas project operation mode was innovatively put forward.Front-end company was responsible for production and operation management of biogas engineering related products, and back-end company was responsible for sales of biogas engineering related products.The purpose was to provide a theoretical basis for healthy and sustainable development of biogas industry and decision-making of relevant departments.


