中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Development and Application of Herbage Container Plant Factory

  • 摘要: 牧草生产受自然条件限制,在北方冬季,家畜只能采食青干饲料,其营养成分不能充分满足家畜生长需要。针对上述情况,北京市农业机械研究所有限公司进行了牧草集装箱植物工厂的设计开发,通过智能调控系统,达到温、光、湿、气、水、肥的精准控制,摆脱了牧草种植对自然条件的依赖,实现牧草周年高效生产。


    Abstract: Production of herbage is limited by natural conditions.In the northern winter, livestock can only feed on green dry feed, whose nutritional composition can not fully meet growth needs of livestock.In view of above situation, herbage container plant factory was designed and developed by Beijing Agricultural Machinery Institute Co., Ltd..Through intelligent control system, accurate control of temperature, light, humidity, gas, water and fertilizer was achieved, which got rid of dependence of herbage cultivation on natural conditions and realized annual efficient production of herbage.


