Design on Automatic Knife Sharpening Device and Curved Cutlass for Silage Harvester
摘要: 设计了一种青饲料收获机的自动磨刀装置,主要由主机架、磨刀、磨刀驱动装置、护罩及拆卸装置组成。在此基础上设计了一种弧形弯刀作为滚筒动刀,这种弧形弯刀更利于磨刀装置的磨刀工作、提高饲料切割的工作效率。此装置进一步提升了国产青饲料收获机的行业核心竞争力。Abstract: An automatic tool sharpening device of silage harvester was designed, which was mainly composed of main frame, tool sharpening, tool sharpening driving device, protective cover and disassembly device.At the same time, on this foundation, a curved cutlass was designed, which was more conducive to grinding work of grinding mechanism, and improve feed cutting efficiency.This device further enhanced core competitiveness of domestic silage harvester industry.