中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Design of Circular Stereoscopic Household Vegetable Cultivation Device

  • 摘要: 为满足居家蔬菜栽培的需求,从叶类蔬菜和芽苗类蔬菜生长周期短、易于管理、特别适用于阳台种植的特点出发,设计了一种重点用于叶类蔬菜和芽苗类蔬菜栽培的环形居家蔬菜立体栽培装置。该装置由主体结构、灌溉及施肥系统、控制系统等组成。其外形美观、空间利用率高、操作简便,能够利用互联网,实现灌溉和施肥作业远程控制,可以使居民摆脱经常性管理的困扰。该装置不仅适用于水培蔬菜,而且适用于基质栽培蔬菜,可以用于多种叶类蔬菜和芽苗类蔬菜的栽培。应用于居家蔬菜栽培,形成独特的植物景观,可作为绿色装饰之用,易于在居家蔬菜栽培领域进行推广。


    Abstract: In response to demand for cultivating vegetables at home, a circular stereoscopic household vegetable cultivation device was designed, mainly for leaf vegetables and sprouting vegetables, based on characteristics of short growth cycle, easy management and especially suitable for balcony planting.The device was composed of main structure, irrigation and fertilization system and control system.It has beautiful appearance, high space utilization rate, simple operation, can use the internet to realize remote control of irrigation and fertilization operations, and can make residents get rid of trouble of regular management.It is suitable for both hydroponic cultivation and substrate cultivation, and can be used for planting leaf vegetables and sprouting vegetables.When used in household cultivation of vegetables, it can form a unique plant landscape and may serve as green decoration.Therefore, it will be easy to be promoted in household vegetable cultivation.


