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Teaching Reform of "Wine Making Technology"

  • 摘要: 以国家“十四五”规划教材为基础,紧贴专业教学标准,紧扣专业人才培养方案和课程标准,对接“葡萄酒推介与侍酒服务”1+X证书,融入“劳动精神、工匠精神、三牛精神”等思政元素,依据“中国创造、中国精造、中国酿造”理念重构“葡萄酒酿造技术”课程内容。从酿酒师岗位核心技能出发,依托产教融合项目,结合行业规范和创新要求,构建模块化课程结构,采用“阶梯型+任务驱动”教学模式,使学生在完成项目任务的同时获取知识,增加技能,提升素养。


    Abstract: Based on the national "14th Five-Year Plan" teaching materials and concept of "created in China, refined in China, and brewed in China", "Wine Making Technology" course was reconstructed, closely following professional teaching standards, closely following professional talent training plan and curriculum standards, connecting "wine promotion and wine service" 1+X certificate, integrating the "spirit of labor, craftsmanship, three cows" ideological and political elements.Starting from core skills of the brewer’s post, relying on project of integration of production and education, combining industry standards and innovation requirements, a modular curriculum structure was built, adopting a "stepped + task-driven" teaching model.Students could acquire knowledge and skills, increase knowledge, and improve literacy while completing project tasks.


