中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Practice of Folic Acid Determination in Food Biochemistry Experiment

  • 摘要: 为更好地培养综合型人才,打破不同实验课程之间的孤立性,首次将叶酸提取与测定纳入本科生食品生物化学实验教学中。以生活中常见的食品为原材料,通过酶解等方法提取叶酸,利用微生物法进行检测。该实验知识点覆盖面广,将食品生物化学与微生物学有机结合起来,可帮助学生实现食品生物化学与微生物学理论体系的融会贯通。前期投入少,无需特殊设备,可作为高校食品专业的综合性实验项目。


    Abstract: To better cultivate comprehensive talents and break isolation between different traditional experimental courses, extraction and determination of folic acid were brought into experiment course of food biochemistry for undergraduates for the first time.Based on ordinary food as raw material, folic acid was extracted by enzymolysis and detected by microbial method.Combination courses of Food Biochemistry and Microbiology will extend students' experimental knowledge by a large margin and help them to build up integral theoretical system of Food Biochemistry and Microbiology.This experiment course, with low cost, could be adopted as a comprehensive experiment project of food specialty in colleges and universities.


