All-Round Advantages and Disadvantages of Multi-Dimensional Planting in Facility Greenhouse
摘要: 针对当前设施温室中的立体种植模式,从作物与设备的空间布局、多元种植选择、温室环境调控、病虫害防治及相关设施等角度,对该种植模式下产生的空间利用优势、作物管理优势和经济效益优势进行全方位阐述,并提出该模式存在的问题及解决措施。Abstract: Three-dimensional planting model has been applied in agricultural production, especially in greenhouses. From perspectives of spatial layout of crops and equipment, diversified planting principles, greenhouse environmental control, pest control and related facilities, advantages of space utilization, crop management and economic benefits arising under this planting mode were all-roundedly elaborated, and problems and solution measures of this mode were proposed.