中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Technology of Grain Saving and Loss Reduction for Paddy Harvesting,Drying and Storage

  • 摘要: 稻谷收获、干燥和仓储是收获、处理的3个重要环节,这3个环节不是独立事项而是互有关联,前者影响后者。在实际生产中很多生产者不在最佳时期收获水稻,少部分割晒提早收获,大部分为方便脱粒而在完熟期收获,北方还有在下霜后收获。南方稻谷干燥前常在场地上堆放,时间一长就会霉变和腐烂。稻谷常温通风储藏时,高温高湿天气易使仓内稻谷发热、结顶、发生病虫害等。这些传统方式都会不同程度地造成稻谷损失和营养损失。针对我国稻谷收获、干燥和仓储3个环节的现存问题和节粮减损的具体措施,提出了科学合理的建议和方法,供研究探讨和逐步实施,以促进这3个生产环节的技术进步,使稻谷的损失降至最小。


    Abstract: Harvesting, drying and storage of paddy are three important links, these three links are not independent matters, but interrelated each other, the former affects the latter. In actual production, many producers do not harvest paddy at the best time, a few of them were harvested early by cutting and sunning, and most of them were harvested after early stage of ripening for better threshing, in the north still has the harvest after frost. Paddy in the south will be piled up on site before drying, which would become mildew and rot after a long time. When paddy is stored at normal temperature and ventilated, it is easy to cause fever, roof topping, diseases and insect pests in the barn under high temperature and humidity. These traditional methods can cause paddy losses and nutrient loss to varying degrees. In view of existing problems in three links of paddy harvesting, drying and storage in China and specific measures for grain saving and loss reduction, new scientific and reasonable suggestions and methods were put forward for research, discussion and gradual implementation, so as to promote technical progress in these three links of production and minimize the loss of paddy.


