中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Experiment on Air and Screen Cleaning Device of Foxtail Millet Combine Harvester

  • 摘要: 为了减少谷子联合收获的清选损失,对谷子收获机风筛式清选装置进行了试验分析。运用参数可调的风筛式谷子清选装置,以清选风速、风向、筛分振幅和曲柄转速为试验因素,以籽粒损失率和含杂率为试验指标,对谷子联合收获机脱出物进行了清选试验。试验结果表明:籽粒损失率随清选风速、筛分振幅、曲柄转速的增大而增大,随清选风向角度的增大呈先增大后减小再增大趋势;含杂率随清选风速、筛分振幅、曲柄转速的增大而减小,随清选风向角度的增大呈先减小后增大再减小趋势;最优清选工作参数为清选风速4.19 m/s、清选风向30.3°、筛分振幅22 mm和曲柄转速218 r/min,籽粒损失率为2.02 %,含杂率为8.01 %。该研究为谷子联合收获机清选装置结构与工作参数设计提供参考。


    Abstract: To decrease cleaning loss of foxtail millet combine harvest, air and screen cleaning device of millet harvester were analyzed by experiments. With airflow velocity, airflow direction, screening amplitude and crank speed as test factors, and kernel loss rate and impurity rate as test indicators, a cleaning test was conducted on threshed matter from air and screen foxtail millet cleaning device with adjustable parameters. Experimental results showed that kernel loss rate was increasing with increase of airflow velocity, vibrating amplitude and crank speed, and kernel loss rate showed trend of firstly increasing, then decreasing and then increasing with increase of airflow direction angle. Impurity rate was decreasing with increase of airflow velocity, vibrating amplitude and crank speed, and impurity rate showed trend of firstly decreasing, then increasing and then decreasing with increase of airflow direction angle. Optimal cleaning working parameters were recorded as that airflow velocity 4.19 m/s, airflow direction 30.3°, vibrating amplitude 22 mm, and crank speed 218 r/min, and then kernel loss rate was 2.02%, impurity rate was 8.01%. This research can provide reference for design on structure and working parameters of cleaning device for foxtail millet combine harvester.


