中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Experimental Study on Physical Characteristics of Purple Flower Salvia miltiorrhiza Seeds

  • 摘要: 为获得丹参播种机排种器设计参数,以山东省紫花丹参种子为研究对象,试验测试了未经过催芽的紫花丹参种子三轴几何尺寸、千粒质量、含水率、休止角和滑动摩擦角。基于试验测试的结果,分析了紫花丹参种子关键物理参数。丹参种子试验测试结果表明,未催芽的紫花丹参种子的含水率为9.53%,三轴几何尺寸平均值为2.80 mm×1.46 mm×1.04 mm,平均千粒质量为1.39 g,休止角为13.27°,滑动摩擦角(不锈钢、塑料和铝)为18.5°、25.2°和33.6°。


    Abstract: In order to obtain design parameters of seed metering device of Salvia miltiorrhiza seeder, taking seeds of Salvia miltiorrhiza in Shandong Province as research object, triaxial geometric dimension, 1000-grain weight, moisture content, repose angle and sliding friction angle of Salvia miltiorrhiza seeds without germination were tested.Based on test results, key physical parameters of Salvia miltiorrhiza seeds were analyzed.Test results showed that moisture content of Salvia miltiorrhiza seeds without germination was 9.53%, and average value of triaxial geometric dimension was 2.80 mm × 1.46 mm × 1.04 mm, average mass of 1000 grains was 1.39 g, angle of repose was 13.27°, and sliding friction angles (stainless steel, plastic and aluminum) were 18.5°, 25.2° and 33.6°.


