中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Research and Design of Small Cooling System Based on Solar Energy

  • 摘要: 在“双碳”背景下,结合我国西北地区太阳能资源丰富且炎热干旱的气候条件,研发了基于太阳能的1 kW小型降温系统。系统以水为介质,采用超声波将水雾化为1~5 μm云雾喷洒在房屋周围,通过蒸发吸热的原理对房屋周围环境进行降温加湿,通过设计光伏系统、电源与控制系统及水箱管道系统并在50 m2的房屋周围进行试验测试,结果表明此小型降温系统平均可降低环境温度6 °C,可使湿度达42.9%,验证了该系统对我国西北农村庭院家庭夏季降温增湿的有效性。


    Abstract: Under background of "double carbon", 1 kW small-scale cooling system based on solar energy was developed in combination with rich solar energy resources and hot and dry climate conditions in Northwest China. The system took water as medium and used ultrasonic waves to atomize water into 1~5 μm clouds and mist was sprayed around the building, and building was cooled and humidified by principle of evaporation and heat absorption. Through design of photovoltaic system, power supply, control system, and water tank pipeline system, and the experimental test in a 50 m2 semi-open environment, results showed that this small cooling system could reduce temperature by 6 °C on average, and humidity was 42.9%, which verified effectiveness of this system in cooling and humidifying courtyard households in Northwest China in summer.


