中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Exploration and Practice of Online Teaching of "Food Additives" Course

  • 摘要: “食品添加剂”课程是食品类专业的专业技能课程,通过云课堂智慧职教APP和腾讯课堂直播实施“食品添加剂”课程线上教学。在梳理教学目标、课程内容的基础上实施线上教学,包括课程搭建、课前准备、课堂实施、课后安排、教学反思等环节。在线上教学过程中,开展了丰富多样、灵活多变的课堂活动,有效提升了学生的参与度和学习效果。


    Abstract: "Food Additives" is a professional skills course for food majors. Online teaching of "Food Additives" course was implemented through cloud classroom smart vocational education APP and Tencent classroom live broadcast. On basis of sorting out teaching objectives and content, online teaching was implemented, including course construction, pre-class preparation, in-class implementation, after-class arrangement, and teaching reflection. In process of online teaching, by carrying out rich, diverse and flexible activities, students' participation and learning effect have been effectively improved.


