中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Exploration and Practice of Ideological Education in “Food Microbiological Detection Technology”

  • 摘要: 从培育课程思政理念、重构课程教学体系、课程思政案例实践等方面进行“食品微生物检验技术”课程思政探索实践,培养学生的专业认同感、专业素养、职业道德和社会责任感,让专业课程成为课程思政实践的主渠道,实现专业课程的育人功能。


    Abstract: Ideological and political exploration and practice of "Food Microbiology Detection Technology" were carried out from aspects of cultivating curriculum ideological and political ideas, reconstructing curriculum teaching system and curriculum ideological and political case practice, to cultivate students' sense of professional identity, professional quality, professional ethics and social responsibility, make professional courses main channel for ideological and political practice of curriculum, and realize educational function of professional courses.


