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Field Efficacy Tests of Six Pesticides Against Spodoptera frugiperda in Guanzhong Area of Shaanxi Province

  • 摘要: 为明确20%氯虫苯甲酰胺SC、15%茚虫威SC、5%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐EC、4%甲维·氟铃脲ME、10%甲维·甲虫肼SC和2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯ME共6种药剂对陕西省关中地区草地贪夜蛾的田间防治效果,采用随机区组排列,在陕西省乾县玉米地进行了田间药效试验。结果表明:20%氯虫苯甲酰胺SC的防治效果最好,施药后第3天、第7天和第10天防效分别为82.66%、87.09%和94.95%;5%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐EC和15%茚虫威SC的防治效果次之;4%甲维·氟铃脲ME、10%甲维·甲虫肼SC防治草地贪夜蛾速效性较好,迟效性较差;2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯ME防治效果最差。生产实践中预防草地贪夜蛾,建议使用20%氯虫苯甲酰胺SC、5%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐EC或15%茚虫威SC。


    Abstract: In order to investigate field efficacy of six insecticides, including 20% chlorantraniliprole SC, 15% indoxacarb SC, 5% emamectin benzoate EC, 4% emamectin·flucomuron ME, 10% emamectin·beetle hydrazine SC and 2.5% cyhalothrin ME, against Spodoptera frugiperda in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province, field efficacy tests of above six insecticides were carried out in corn field of Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province. Results showed that 20% chlorantraniliprole SC had the best control effect. Control effect was 82.66%, 87.09% and 94.95% respectively on the 3rd, 7th and 10th days after application. Control effect of 5% emamectin benzoate EC and 15% indoxacarb SC was second. 4% emamectin·flucomuron ME and 10% emamectin·beetle hydrazine SC had good quick-acting effect and poor late-acting effect on controlling Spodoptera frugiperda. 2.5% cyhalothrin ME had the worst control effect. In practice, 20% chloranacarbonamide SC, 5% aminoabamectin benzoate EC or 15% indoxacarb SC was recommended.


