中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Smart Agriculture Enabling High-quality Agricultural Development in Beijing City

  • 摘要: 北京市瞄准加快实现农业高质量发展、全力打造智慧农业创新高地目标,不断探索都市型现代农业的“智慧”发展模式和路径,取得了一定成效。然而,相较于高质量发展要求,北京市智慧农业发展仍面临一系列挑战和亟待解决的问题。据此,提出强化人才支撑、加强顶层设计、完善配套政策机制、加速核心技术研发与转化应用等对策建议,以期为加快我国智慧农业发展进程提供启示与借鉴。


    Abstract: Aiming to expedite realization of high-quality agricultural development and establish a smart agricultural innovation hub, Beijing has continuously explored "smart" development model and path of urban modern agriculture, yielding certain achievements.However, in comparison with demands of high-quality development, smart agriculture in Beijing City still confronts a series of challenges and issues that need to addressed.Based on this, countermeasures and suggestions were proposed to strengthen talent support, enhance top-level design, improve supporting policy mechanisms, and accelerate research and development, transformation, and application of core technologies, in order to provide inspiration and reference for accelerating development process of smart agriculture in China.


