中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Effect of Cold Plasma Treatment on Survival Rate of Forage Bitter Melon Grafting Seedlings

  • 摘要: 为探讨冷等离子体种子处理技术对饲用苦瓜嫁接苗成活率及后期长势的影响,通过冷等离子体技术对饲用苦瓜砧穗组合进行处理,研究了冷等离子体种子处理对饲用苦瓜砧穗组合的伤面愈合、成活率、长势、抗性和商品性等的影响,调查隔离层和愈伤组织形成的天数、处理后饲用苦瓜砧穗组合的成活率和生长量数据、饲用苦瓜嫁接苗定植成活率、饲用苦瓜抗病情况及饲用苦瓜果肉厚度的情况,并进行数据分析。结果表明,合适工艺处理砧穗组合可以缩短愈合时间1~2 d,接穗成活率显著提高,接穗生长量提高1.17%~7.62%,果皮厚度增加1.75%~8.77%。该处理方式克服了现有饲用苦瓜嫁接苗伤口愈合慢、伤口二次感染等缺陷,定植后植株发病率降低、抗逆性增强及商品性提高,因此具有良好的使用和推广价值。


    Abstract: In order to explore effect of cold plasma seed treatment technology on grafting seedlings survival rate and later growth of forage bitter melon, effects of cold plasma seed treatment on wound healing, survival rate, growth, resistance, and commercialization of feed bitter melon rootstock and panicle combinations were studied by using cold plasma technology.Days of isolation layer and callus formation, survival rate and growth data of treated feed melon gourd rootstock and panicle combinations, survival rate of feed bitter melon grafted seedlings, disease resistance of feed bitter melon, and pulp thickness of feed bitter melon were investigated, and data analysis were conducted.Results showed that appropriate technological treatment of stock and scion combinations could shorten healing time by 1 to 2 days, significantly increase scion survival rate, increased scion growth by 1.17% to 7.62%, and increased peel thickness by 1.75% to 8.77%.It overcomed shortcomings of existing forage bitter melon such as slow healing of grafted wounds and secondary wound infection.After transplantation, plant incidence rate was reduced, stress resistance was enhanced, and commerciality was improved, so it has good use and promotion value.


