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Surface Grass Covering Technology in Cold and Drought Edible Lily Planting Areas

  • 摘要: 研究了寒旱百合种植区地表覆草技术对土壤水热状况、理化性质、百合生长和产量的影响。采用随机区组设计,试验处理为露地、地表覆草、地膜覆盖,3次重复,共计9个处理。结果表明,百合地表覆草技术可以明显改善土壤水热状况,提高土壤理化性质指标含量,增加百合产量。相对于露地处理,地表覆草处理表层土壤温度和含水量分别增加18.86%和2.23个百分点,土壤有机质增加0.31个百分点,碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量分别提高18.12%,21.04%和10.41%,株高、茎粗、球横径、球纵径、单球质量和产量分别增加8.26%、22.22%、16.55%、23.47%、32.83%和35.07%。综上所述,在寒旱百合种植区,地表覆草技术是一项重要的田间管理措施。


    Abstract: Effects of surface grass covering technology on soil water and heat conditions, physicochemical properties, lily growth, and yield in cold and dry lily planting areas were investigated.Using a randomized block design, experimental treatments were open field, surface grass covering, and plastic film covering, with 3 replicates for a total of 9 treatments.Results showed that surface grass covering technology of lilies could significantly improve soil water and heat conditions, increase content of soil physical and chemical properties indicators, and increase yield of lilies.Compared with open field treatment, surface grass covering treatment increased surface soil temperature and moisture content by 18.86% and 2.23 percentage points, soil organic matter by 0.31 percentage points, alkaline nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium content by 18.12%, 21.04%, and 10.41%, respectively.Plant height, stem diameter, ball horizontal diameter, ball vertical diameter, bulb weight, and yield increased by 8.26%, 22.22%, 16.55%, 23.47%, 32.83%, and 35.07%, respectively.In cold and drought lily planting areas, surface grass covering technology is an important field management measure.


