Research and Application of Image Recognition Technology for Litchi Diseases and Insect Pests
摘要: 荔枝是广东岭南特色水果产业之一,又是广东十大特色作物之一。尽管近年来荔枝现代生产技术有了较大的提高,但广东气候条件容易引起病虫害发生,对露天生长的广东荔枝的产量和品质造成严重的不利影响,阻碍荔枝产业发展和种植户增收。做好荔枝病虫害防治工作,对推进荔枝品牌产业发展、荔枝种植户增收具有重要现实意义。该文采用卷积神经网络算法开展荔枝病虫害图像识别技术的研究与应用,主要包括两个方面内容。一是探讨荔枝病虫害图像识别技术。二是以广州智慧农业气象服务平台为载体,探索构建新型的病虫害气象防御体系,也就是给荔枝种植户既提供荔枝病虫害图像智能识别服务,又提供病虫害小百科知识、防治建议,更为种植户构建“个人空间”,实现靶向预警,并逐步构建个性化荔枝基地病虫害预测预警模型,探索荔枝病虫害预测诊断相结合的服务模式。因此,既探讨图像识别技术如何实现又研究立体式防御措施是该文的创新点。Abstract: Litchi is one of Guangdong Lingnan characteristic fruit industry and one of Guangdong top 10 speciality crops.Although modern production technology of litchi has been greatly improved in recent years,climate conditions in Guangdong are easy to cause pests and diseases,which has a serious adverse effect on yield and quality of open-air growing litchi in Guangdong,which hinders development of litchi industry and income of growers.Therefore,it has great practical significance to promote development of litchi brand industry and increase income of litchi growers.Research and application of image recognition technology for litchi diseases and insect pests were carried out by using convolution neural network algorithm.It mainly included two aspects:one was to discuss image recognition technology for litchi diseases and insect pests;the other was to explore construction of a new type of meteorological defense system of diseases and insect pests based on Guangzhou intelligent agrometeorological service platform.In other words,it not only provided Litchi growers with intelligent identification service of litchi images,but also provided them with knowledge of diseases and insect pests as well as prevention suggestions.It also constructed“personal space”for growers to realize targeted early warning,and gradually built a personalized litchi base disease forecasting and early warning model to explore litchi disease forecasting and diagnosis combined service model.Therefore,innovation of this paper was to explore how to realize image recognition technology and to study stereoscopic defense measures.