中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Nitrogen Budget and Management Measures of Freshwater Fine Culture Pond

  • 摘要: 除氧外,对水产品生产效率影响最大的因素是氮的转化。池塘精养为我国水产品最主要的索取形式,分析个体或池塘的氮收支,探索提高氮转化效率的途径,对食物保障、农产品品质提升、环境与生态资源保护都具有重要意义。概述了精养池塘氮收支、鱼类氮收支的一般规律,以及氨氮、亚硝态氮的产生、转化、危害和常见处理措施,并对池塘氮管理方案提出问题与展望。


    Abstract: In addition to oxygen, the most important impact facter on aquaculture was conversion efficiency of nitrogen. In China, pond culture was the highest proportion of aquaculture yield. Analyzing nitrogen budget of individuals or ponds and exploring ways to improve nitrogen conversion efficiency are of great significance for food security, agricultural product quality improvement, and environmental and ecological resource protection. General rules of nitrogen budget in intensive pond and fish, as well as production, transformation, harm and common treatment measures of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen, were summarized. Problems and prospects of nitrogen management plan in pond were put forward.


