中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Risk Zoning of Apple Policy Based Agricultural Insurance in Northwest of Yan'an City

  • 摘要: 为了发展陕西省延安市西北部苹果产业,提高果农收入,实现精准赔付,达到农民与保险公司双赢,采用实地调查、数理统计、随机森林回归和自然断点法对吴起县、志丹县苹果园进行政策性农业保险风险区划分。利用吴起县、志丹县2022年3—5月日最低气温及近12年冰雹日数,基于GIS划分延安市西北部苹果政策性农业保险轻重风险区。结果表明,延安市西北部果园海拔越高,日最低气温越高,冻害程度越轻。河谷地由于冷空气堆积,温度低,为高风险区,不适合种植苹果;志丹县东部为冰雹多发地,为重、中风险区。结合冻害及雹灾影响,延安市西北部苹果政策性农业保险轻风险区占50.5%,中风险地区占21.9%,重风险地区占27.6%。建议对重风险区果园进行种植结构调整,在冰雹多发区域建设防雹网和防雹人工作业点,降低灾害影响,减少冻害高风险区苹果种植面积;中风险区应加大保险政策宣传和财政投入力度,做到应保尽保,减少果农的损失,实现苹果产业的可持续发展。


    Abstract: In order to develop apple industry in northwest of Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, increase income of fruit farmers, achieve precise compensation, and achieve a win-win situation for farmers and insurance companies, policy based agricultural insurance risk zones were divided for apple orchards in Wuqi County and Zhidan County using field surveys, mathematical statistics, random forest regression, and natural breakpoint methods.Using daily minimum temperature from March to May 2022 and number of hail days in the past 12 years in Wuqi County and Zhidan County, light and heavy risk areas of apple policy based agricultural insurance in northwest of Yan'an City were divided based on GIS.Results indicated that the higher the altitude of orchards in northwest of Yan'an City, the higher the daily minimum temperature, and the lighter the degree of frost damage.Valley was a high-risk area due to accumulation of cold air and low temperature, making it unsuitable for planting apples.Eastern part of Zhidan County was a hail prone area, which was a heavy to medium risk area.Considering impact of freezing and hail disasters, 50.5% of apple policy based agricultural insurance in northwest of Yan'an City had a light risk area, medium risk areas accounted for 21.9%, high risk areas accounted for 27.6%.It was recommended to adjust planting structure of orchards in high-risk areas, establish hail prevention nets and artificial operation points in hail prone areas, reduce impact of disasters, and reduce apple planting area in high-risk areas of freezing damage; medium risk areas should increase promotion of insurance policies and financial investment, achieve full coverage, reduce losses for fruit farmers, and achieve sustainable development of the apple industry.


