中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Design and Test of 4U-90 Type Sweet Potato Harvester Based on Vibration Excavation and Secondary Sorting

  • 摘要: 针对我国丘陵山地番薯收获作业中存在的现有机型实用性较低、伤薯率高、明薯率较低,以及多为人工收获等问题,设计一种适用于丘陵山地轻量化番薯收获机。整机结构主要由变速箱、三点悬挂装置、挖掘装置、二次分选装置和升运分离装置等组成。该收获机挖掘番薯效率较高,并在其升运期间振动分离土薯,同时收集升运过程中掉落番薯至二次分选装置并振动分离土薯。进行了样机三维模型建立及样机田间试验。试验结果表明,满足番薯收获机工作需求,并以此为以后样机改进提供理论依据与现实基础。


    Abstract: Aiming at problems of low practicality of existing models, high injury rate, low bright potato rate and mostly manual harvesting in China's hilly mountain sweet potato harvesting operation, a light weight sweet potato harvester for hilly mountainous areas was designed.Structure of whole machine mainly consistsed of gearbox, three-point suspension device, excavation device, secondary sorting device and lifting and transporting separation device.The harvester could excavate sweet potatoes with high efficiency, vibrate and separate potatoes during lifting and transportation, and collect potatoes dropped during lifting and transportation to secondary sorting device and vibrate and separate potatoes.Based on this research purpose, a three-dimensional model of prototype was established, and field tests were conducted after prototype was manufactured.Experimental results indicated that it met working requirements of sweet potato harvester and provided theoretical and practical basis for future prototype improvement.


