中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Factors Influencing Willingness and Behavior of Fruit Planting Farmers in Circular Agriculture Production Based on Survey Data of Qixia Apples

  • 摘要: 基于山东省栖霞市水果种植农户的379份调查数据,采用结构方程模型,实证分析感知收益、感知成本和外部力量对农户循环农业生产意愿与行为的影响。结果表明,感知收益和外部力量对农户循环农业生产意愿与行为均有正向影响,并且感知收益的效应高于外部力量;感知成本对农户循环农业生产意愿与行为有负向作用;循环农业生产意愿对循环农业生产行为有显著正向作用。为促进水果种植农户的循环农业生产行为,应采取以下3方面措施:开展培训,提高农户循环农业认知,提高感知收益;宣传推广,降低感知成本;增强政策帮扶,提供激励补贴,推动政策行稳致远。


    Abstract: Based on survey data of fruit planting farmers in Qixia City, Shandong Province, structural equation model was used to empirically analyze influencing factors of fruit farmers' willingness and behavior to produce circular agriculture from three aspects of perceived benefits, perceived costs and external forces.Results showed that, perceived benefits and external forces had a positive impact on farmers' willingness and behavior in circular agriculture production, and effect of perceived benefits was higher than that of external forces.Perceived costs had a negative impact on farmers' willingness and behavior in circular agriculture production.Willingness to produce circular agriculture had a significant positive effect on production behavior of circular agriculture.In order to promote circular agriculture production behavior of fruit planting farmers, following three measures should be taken: providing training to enhance farmers' awareness of circular agriculture and enhance their perceived benefits; promote and reduce perceived costs; strengthen policy assistance, provide incentives and subsidies, and promote stable and far-reaching policy implementation.


