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Pressure Dynamic Adjustment Method for Tea Rolling Machine Based on PLC

  • 摘要: 传统茶叶揉捻机在工作时,茶叶在揉捻筒内不停翻滚,导致茶叶受到的压力忽大忽小,变化剧烈,对压力无法量化和精准控制,为此,提出了一种揉捻压力实时动态调节的控制方法,对控制系统的硬件、算法和程序进行了详细阐述。该系统能将压力值量化,确保了揉捻压力控制的动态调节、实时性和精准控制,加装该系统的茶叶揉捻机在成条率、碎茶率和生产效率方面均达到了行业标准要求。


    Abstract: During operation of traditional tea rolling machines, tea leaves continuously rolling in rolling barrel, causing pressure on tea to fluctuate greatly and violently, making it difficult to quantify and accurately control pressure.In response to above problems, a real-time dynamic adjustment control method for rolling pressure was proposed, and hardware, algorithm, and program of control system were elaborated in detail.The system could quantify pressure value.Dynamic adjustment, real-time performance, and precise control of rolling pressure control have been ensured.Experiments have shown that tea rolling machine equipped with this system met industry standard requirements in terms of sliver formation rate, broken tea rate, and production efficiency.


