中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Design and Experiment of Electric Well Cellar Tobacco Transplanting Machine in Hilly and Mountainous Areas

  • 摘要: 结合烟草小苗移栽农艺要求,设计了一种适用于丘陵山区的电动井窖式烟草移栽机,整机具备机械化井窖成穴、投苗和浇水等小苗移栽作业功能。在完成移栽机挖穴装置、投苗装置和浇水装置等关键零部件模块化设计和组装后进行田间试验。试验结果表明,井窖式烟草移栽机作业效率0.402 hm2/d,井窖成穴合格率>90.8%,移栽作业合格率>87.7%,满足丘陵山区烟草井窖式移栽作业要求,为丘陵山区烟草小苗井窖式移栽技术的推广应用提供装备支撑。


    Abstract: Combined with agronomic requirements of tobacco seedling transplanting, an electric well cellar tobacco transplanting machine suitable for hilly and mountainous areas was designed.Whole machine has ability of mechanized well cellar hole forming, seedling throwing and watering.After completing modular design and assembly of key parts such as digging device, seedling throwing device and watering device of transplanting machine, field experiment was carried out.Test results showed that, operation efficiency of well cellar tobacco transplanting machine was 0.402 hm2/d, qualified rate of well cellar was more than 90.8%, and qualified rate of transplanting operation was more than 87.7%, which met requirements of well cellar transplanting of tobacco in hilly and mountainous areas, and provided equipment support for popularization and application of well cellar transplanting technology of tobacco seedlings in hilly and mountainous areas.


