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何彦平, 苏志富, 贺在锐, 邢全道. 粘土地稻茬麦高产机械化作业模式及关键装备创新[J]. 农业工程, 2013, 3(4): 22-24.
引用本文: 何彦平, 苏志富, 贺在锐, 邢全道. 粘土地稻茬麦高产机械化作业模式及关键装备创新[J]. 农业工程, 2013, 3(4): 22-24.
He Yanping, Su Zhifu, He Zairui, Xing Quandao. Innovation and Promotion on High-yield Mechanized Mode and Key Equipment of Clay Wheat Following Rice[J]. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 2013, 3(4): 22-24.
Citation: He Yanping, Su Zhifu, He Zairui, Xing Quandao. Innovation and Promotion on High-yield Mechanized Mode and Key Equipment of Clay Wheat Following Rice[J]. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 2013, 3(4): 22-24.


Innovation and Promotion on High-yield Mechanized Mode and Key Equipment of Clay Wheat Following Rice

  • 摘要: 为了适应江苏垦区麦稻两熟轮作高产全程机械化生产需要,提出了适应粘性土壤地区稻茬麦高产机械化作业模式与作业机具配套方案。作业模式创新和关键装备技术创新提高了稻茬麦种植质量,实现了齐苗、匀苗、壮苗,并通过秸秆全量还田与复式作业,实现了节能减排,提高了大小麦种植水平与环境的可持续发展,进一步提升了大小麦机械化种植技术水平,促进了农业增效、农民增收。


    Abstract: In order to adapt entire process of mechanization production needs of two crops of rice-wheat cultivation rotation in Jiangsu Reclamation Region,adaptation of operation mode of sticky soil of rice stubble wheat high yield mechanization and supporting program of operating machinery was presented.By the innovation of operating mode and key equipment technology,planting quality of wheat following rice was improved,high degree of consistency,uniform and healthy seedlings were achieved. And by the full amount of straw to field and duplex operation,energy saving and emission reduction were realized,level of wheat planting and environmental sustainability were increased,technical level of mechanized cultivation of wheat was enhanced further,agricultural efficiency and rural incomes were promoted.


