中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Countermeasures of Agricultural Mechanization Information Propaganda under New Situation

  • 摘要: 多年来,农机行业媒体在农机化发展中发挥舆论引导与监督功能,有效推动了农机产品质量、作业质量、服务质量和管理水平的大幅提升。随着农机化在现代农业发展中地位的不断提升,信息宣传工作的作用越来越重要。该文针对如何在新形势下做好农机化信息宣传工作提出了对策和建议。


    Abstract: Many agricultural machinery industry media played the role of public opinion guidance and supervision in the development of agricultural mechanization these years.They effectively promoted quality of agricultural products,quality of operation,service quality and management level greatly improved.With the promotion of agricultural mechanization in the development of modern agriculture,the role of information propaganda was becoming more and more important.Under the new situation,some countermeasures and suggestions on how to do well the work of agricultural mechanization information propaganda were put forward.


