中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Construction of Rural Public Meteorological Service System

  • 摘要: 近年来随着社会的进步和发展,公共气象服务体系在农村发展中占有越来越重要的地位。农村现代化的建设和发展离不开公共气象服务体系,目前在构建农村公共气象服务体系的过程中存在各种问题,并且相关的制度建设和保障还不够完善,整体科技水平和手段还有待提高。在农村建设和发展过程中,科学生产水平还受到制约,公共气象服务体系的建立能够有效满足发展的需求,提高农村经济建设的整体水平。对农村公共气象服务体系中存在的问题进行分析,不断提升气象服务的作用,让公共气象服务体系更好地发挥作用。


    Abstract: In recent years,with progress and development of the society,public meteorological service system plays a more and more important status in rural development.Construction and development of modernization of rural areas can′t do without public meteorological service system,the current in the process of constructing rural public meteorological service system,all kinds of problems and related system construction and guarantee is not perfect enough,the overall level of science and technology and method needs to be improved.In the process of rural construction and development,the level of scientific production is restricted,establishment of public meteorological service system can effectively meet the needs of development,improve overall level of construction of rural economy.Existing problems of rural public meteorological service system were analyzed to continuously upgrade effect of meteorological service and let the public meteorological service system higher function.


