中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Sewage Treatment Technology of Rural Decentralized Purification Tank

  • 摘要: 全国农业可持续发展规划明确指出,美丽乡村和绿色小城镇建设是现代农业发展的重要组成部分,但目前农村人畜排污系统落后,污染源分散,治理任务艰巨。针对农村环境治理需解决的分散型污水处理问题,介绍了分散型污水处理技术的发展概况,并针对分散型净化槽技术工艺进行了研究,对分散型净化槽污水处理工程设计及应用进行了分析,为新农村建设的技术选择与政策制定提供参考。


    Abstract: The national agricultural sustainable development planning,clearly pointed out that beautiful countryside and green small town construction were important parts of modern agriculture development.However,the current system of human and livestock pollution in rural areas is backward,pollution sources are scattered,and governance task is arduous.According to rural environmental governance need to solve problem of decentralized wastewater treatment,development situation of decentralized type sewage treatment technology was introduced,dispersion of Johkasou technology was studied,and decentralized type purification tank for sewage treatment engineering design and application were analyzed.The conclusions provided a reference for new rural construction technology selection and policy making.


