中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

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Production Process of Nutritional Biscuit with Powder of Flammulina velutipes Root

  • 摘要: 将金针菇采摘后废弃的菌根研磨成粉,加入到面粉中,经加工制成具有较高营养价值和独特风味口感的金针菇菌根粉营养饼干,既减少了废弃金针菇菌根产生的环境污染,又丰富了食用菌深加工产品。在单因素试验基础上,采用响应面试验优化了金针菇菌根营养饼干的制作工艺。结果表明:小麦面粉1份,金针菇菌根粉20%、全脂奶粉10%、白砂糖20%、大豆油16%、小苏打4%、食盐2.2%为最佳配方。所制得的饼干外表厚薄均匀、颜色微黄、口感酥脆,具有金针菇特殊香味。


    Abstract: Flammulina velutipes root was grinded into powder,and added into flour.Flammulina velutipes nutritious biscuit with high nutritional value and unique taste was made.It not only reduced environmental pollution caused by waste edible fungi,but also enriched deep processed products of edible fungi.Response surface methodology was used to optimize production process of nutrition biscuit with power of Flammulina velutipes root based on single factor experiments.The results indicated that optimum conditions were as follows:wheat flour 1 sample,the power of Flammulina velutipes root 20%,whole milk power 10%,sugar 20%,soybean oil 16%,baking soda 4%,salt 2.2%.Under these conditions,the biscuit appearance was evenly in thickness,slight yellow,crisp and possess the special aroma of Flammulina velutipes.


