中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Structural Design and Performance Test of Fruit and Vegetable Picking Manipulator

  • 摘要: 针对作业空间较小的大棚果蔬采摘环境,研制了串联式4自由度关节型果蔬采摘机械臂。采用SolidWorks建立了机械臂的3维模型,在拉格朗日法建立动力学分析模型的基础上,利用ANSYS和ADAMS分析软件,对机械臂进行静态结构分析和运动学、动力学仿真分析。静力学仿真结果表明,机械臂的最大应力为8.181 8 MPa,最大形变为0.000 329 11 m,结构设计合理,强度符合要求;运动学仿真结果表明,机械臂可以精确到达目标位置,运动过程平稳;动力学仿真结果表明,各关节的最大力矩均在安全合理的范围。为进一步验证设计的合理性,对研制的果蔬采摘机械臂进行了性能测试,结果表明机械臂定位精度最大误差±2.5 mm,平均误差±1.1 mm,带载能力3 kg,机械臂运动平稳,可以满足果蔬采摘作业要求。


    Abstract: An articulated manipulator with 4-DOF for fruit and vegetable picking was developed aiming at small harvesting space of greenhouse.Three-dimensional model of manipulator was established by SolidWorks software.Dynamics analysis model was set up by the method of Lagrange.Then statics,kinematics and dynamics simulation analysis of the manipulator were carried out by ADAMS and ANSYS software.Statics simulation results showed that maximum stress of manipulator was 8.181 8 MPa and maximum deformation was 0.000 329 11 m,which could meet requirements with reasonable structure design.Kinematics simulation results showed that this manipulator could accurately reach target location and its movement process was smooth.Dynamic simulation results showed that maximum moment of each joint were in safety and reasonable range.In order to further verify rationality of design,performance tests of fruit and vegetable picking manipulator were carried out.Experimental results showed that maximum positioning error of manipulator was ±2.5 mm,average error was ±1.1 mm,and load capacity was within 3 kg.The movement of manipulator was smooth,which could satisfy requirement of fruit and vegetable picking.


