中国农业机械化科学研究院集团有限公司 主管

北京卓众出版有限公司 主办


Occurrence Regularity and Control Technology of Lixus subtilis Boheman on Quinoa

  • 摘要: 甜菜筒喙象是北京市新发现的一种危害藜麦的重要害虫。通过田间观察试验,了解该虫的形态特征和生物学特性,明确了在北京地区一年发生1~2代的规律,提出了植物检疫、种子包衣、清洁田地、化学防治和生物防治5种控制措施。


    Abstract: Lixus subtilis Boheman has been becoming an important pest insect infesting quinoa in Beijing recently.Morphological and biological characteristics of Lixus subtilis Boheman were knowed by field observation test.1 or 2 generations Lixus subtilis Boheman would happen in Beijing.5 control measures including plant quarantine,seed coating,cleaning field,chemical control and biological control were put forward.


